Eco-Schools Green Flag Award
West Kirby School and College have been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
The Eco-Schools Green Flag Award is an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning. The accreditation is the perfect way to acknowledge, reward and celebrate the ecological achievements of young people and provides them with the confidence and motivation to continue actively engaging with environmental issues.
The programme provides a simple seven-step framework which empowers young people to make a difference in their school, local community and beyond.
Key points from the report include:
- We love that you have adapted the programme to meet the needs of your students.
- You have passionate young people, wanting to make positive changes.
- Including everyone in the Environmental Review increased ownership of the programme, giving everyone the chance to be heard and feel valued.
- The children now have been able to gain a deep sense of environmental stewardship.
- Your Curriculum Link examples make environmental education accessible and engaging, pointing to a whole school commitment.
- You have used environmental issues to add an engaging, real-life context which will enrich pupil's education whilst helping them understand the threats our planet faces.
- Achievements have been celebrated in assemblies, emails, newsletters and the Eco-Board.
- Your presence has been felt in the local community.
- Most impressively you have forged the way for future plastic recycling and moulding.
- The development of the Eco-Committee has been your greatest success.
- Environmental practices have become embedded.
- We loved the Eco-Code and the sentiment behind it.
“We are delighted to award you the Eco-Schools Green Flag 2024. We look forward to working with West Kirby School again next academic year to help you expand on your eco-actions and successes of the year” - Eco Schools".
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